Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"
I repeat....it is the first stage of a new way of building a squad that will hopefully gel and be able to give the ANZAC lot a proper game.'"
I think we understand that, but even as a first step, it leaves something to be desired IMO.
Firstly the things I think are good about it.
It is different. I had severe reservations about the Saints-Leeds domination of the WC squad and the shortage of props. But, when people said that the club combinations and familarity might give England an edge, that a small mobile pack would be well suited to the firm pitches in Aus and that we should just trust Tony Smith, I bought into that. He seems to have learnt the first two lessons (and I have certainly learnt the third). Now he has picked an abundance of props and some fresh faces from less fashionable clubs for his first elite group, while avoiding throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is good to see LMS, Westerman and Myler given a chance to develop. Tom Briscoe too, but whereas the first three might learn from Peacock, O'Loughlin and Burrow, Briscoe [iappears[/i to be the best we have, in Tony Smith's view. There are arguably two better (now) English wingers at Hull FC - certainly their anti-Fox brigade were waving the spectre of Calderwood or Raynor being included, much more prominently than T.Briscoe. This squad [iseems[/i like a stunning vote of no-confidence in English wingers (and fullbacks). Of course, it might be the opposite, TS might regard himself as spoilt for choice and just be delaying a difficult decision. Saying that and name-checking a few players would then have been a good idea.
To me, leaving out Fa'asavalu or Morley to include David Hodgson or Peter Fox, would have been wiser - but then Huddersfield or HKR fans would have felt aggrieved that their club was the [ionly[/i English SL team without representation. I realise that Smith shouldn't spend his time worrying about keeping divs like me happy. He'll be judged on results in the 4 nations. Until then, I am entitled to my doubts - this 'squad' has allayed some old ones, but created a couple of new.